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Landscape, Lawn, Tree & Garden

Hedge Landscaping & Lawn Mowing Service in South Auckland wide & Franklin

Company Hedge Landscaping & Lawn Mowing
Address South Auckland

Our Services We Provide Landscaping Lawn Mowing Garden Care Hedges Trimming & Planted  

Landscape, Lawn, Tree & Garden

专业花园维护,砍树,割草,精修花园、修树墙,除杂草,喷药,收植物类垃圾,可开发票,报价免费 (家庭住宅类小面积割草仅限奥克兰东区) ph :0272927581 wx(Wechat): szq972860794

Company just.m
Address hulf moon bay

专业花园维护,砍树,割草,精修花园、修树墙,除杂草,喷药,收植物类垃圾,可开发票,报价免费 (家庭住宅类小面积割草仅限奥克兰东区) ph :0272927581 wx(Wechat): szq972860794

$20 $999
Landscape, Lawn, Tree & Garden

Deck pavers concrete way of Garden Landscape

Company Elegant Landscape

(NZ Elegant Landscape Ltd) 1,精做和维修deck,fence,扶手,花圃和挡土墙等; 2,砍树和修剪树墙,整理花园等; 3,铺设真草,人工草坪,种植各种花草果树等; 4,铺土,铺砖,铺石子,水泥地,Blockwall,Brickwall,Pavers,Keystone等; 5,高压清洗房屋,屋顶喷漆,新房清洁等。 👉电话:021025 65369 张师傅 👉微信:1175945256

$280 $2,800